Robert Smith

Robert Smith riding his horse

Robert uses: TOTAL PLUS

Robert Smith is a professional horseman whose skills range from working with two year-olds to refining and tuning finished horses. He has trained at State, Regional and National levels for the NRCHA, NCHA, NRHA, AQHA and is one of the country’s top roping and western riding professionals.

Versatility has enabled Robert to gain a feel for as well as a more in depth understanding of how to train and maintain a performance horse. This well-rounded knowledge of so many aspects of the performance horse industry gives Robert the ability to build and maintain a solid foundation for his horses.

“I went to NRCHA Derby and saw that my Mare was sore in her coffin joint I had her injected and brought her home. I showed her again in July and x-rays revealed that she has 2 cracks in her left front coffin bone, one in her joint and had fractured outer joint. Started double dosing her (with Mare Care)  in July through the end of October...I x-rayed her again end of October and crack was not visible on X-Rays. The coffin bone had healed and she was sound.”
– Robert Smith

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